How to add Tabs on Search form?

You can edit search element in elementor and select which field you wish to use for tabs, Usually that’s “#5 Purpose” field in our Directory Kit Solution Demo Content.


How to reset your WordPress Directory website?

In some cases if you make a mess on website and want to reset it to our nicely organized demo, you can do that by using plugin wp reset, and after that install one of our themes like real estate nexproperty and import demo content.

We prepared video guide for this here:


Mortgage Calculator on Real Estate or Car Dealership WP Theme

This instructions are for WP Directory kit Plugin.

  1. Please purchase addon here:
  2. Install and activate plugin in WordPress
  3. Open listing preview page and edit in elementor
  4. Add mortgage calculator element to wanted position

For more details read more


Import Complex Dynamic Listings with WP All Import

Import Directory Listings with WP All Import plugin that allows you to import real estate, cars, business and other directory listings, fields data, images into your WordPress site. Once the import is complete, WP All Import also offers advanced features such as scheduling imports, importing data from APIs, and running custom PHP scripts during imports, which you can explore to further enhance your data import process.


Translate WPDirectoryKit with TranslatePress

WordPress plugin “TranslatePress” is great for automatic and also allow manual translations.

TranslatePress allows you to translate the strings of text that are hardcoded into your website’s code, such as buttons, labels, and other interface elements and is tested with WP Directory Kit.


How to use Mortgage / Loan Calculator

Requirements: You need to have “WP Directory Kit” plugin installed:

1. you can buy it here:

2. In Elementor Edit your Listing Preview page

3. Drag “Wdk Morgage Calculator” element to wanted position on layout:


Bad resolution/map detail when using open street maps

Some clients experienced such issues when using custom map styles on our WordPress Directory Solution, thats caused actually by this bad quality custom map styles so remove it or use some other


Integrate third parity iframe on listing page

When you edit listing preview page in elementor, you can use HTML element like this:

Also you can use some shortcode for example to prepopulate or add custom data into such code related to listing, example also above so with code: [wdk-listing-field-value-text field_id=’post_title’] you can add listing title into this iframe form, this is example from gohighlevel crm contact form

Shortcode section in docs:!/shortcodes